Hello ,

Thanks for getting in touch with Kittysafe, where we build premium quality cat enclosures. Based on the information that you have given us, we think that your cat space will cost about .

Please hit the quote button below, and you’ll be taken to a page where you can upload photos of your space, to turn this estimate into a quote.

Please get in touch if you have questions, you can reach us at [email protected], or on 040 383 4661.

Thank again,

  • Stuart Durkin
  • Feline protector
  • Kittysafe
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☃️🎄Kittysafe is on a Short Break! 🎄☃️

With the holiday season approaching, Kittysafe is on a break. We will get back to you in January, we look forward to meeting you and your cats!

Thank you for your understanding, and enjoy this festive season to the fullest!