How to Stop Cats from Fighting: Proven Tips and Strategies
Frequent and aggressive catfights may signal issues like play aggression, fear, food guarding, or territorial disputes. To manage this, stay calm, separate the cats, and address the root cause. Prevent future conflicts by creating a resource-rich environment, desexing, and gradually reintroducing the cats. Read more for effective management of cat aggression!
Do cats always land on their feet?
Cats’ ability to land gracefully is due to their feline righting reflex, their flexible spine, and the vestibular apparatus in their ears, which helps maintain balance mid-air.
However, this isn’t foolproof; factors like height of the fall and the cat’s health can impact their landing. Please read the full blog to explore the science behind their perfect landings and safekeeping them from fall injury.
Why Do House Cats Sleep So Much?
Cats naturally sleep for long periods to conserve energy for hunting. However, modern house cats’ sleep is also influenced by growth, stress, illness, and age. While sleep patterns change as they grow, significant changes may signal underlying health issues. Monitoring their habits can help ensure their well-being. Continue reading to find out more.
What to Know Before Adopting a Cat or Kitten
Adopting a cat can be seamless if you’re prepared for the responsibilities, including time, expenses, living space adjustments, and lifestyle changes. Once ready, equip yourself with essentials like a cat bed, litter tray, grooming tools, carrier, and toys. With these in place, you’re all set to welcome your new feline companion! Read on for a detailed guide to the entire process.
How to Stop Cats from Scratching Furniture and Carpets
Cats instinctively scratch to sharpen their claws and mark territory, sometimes damaging household items in and around the house. As a responsible owner, you can manage these behaviours by offering scratching posts, stimulating activities, claw care, or outdoor enclosures. Read the full article for more tips on managing your cat’s scratching behaviour.
Do Indoor Cats Get Depressed?
Keeping cats indoors doesn’t guarantee depression, but signs like appetite changes, reduced interaction, or aggression may indicate it. Factors like boredom, grief, pain, or separation anxiety could be causes. Identifying and addressing the trigger could help, or you can consult a vet to rule out underlying health issues. Explore the whole article to find out more.
Can I Leave My Cat Alone for a Week?
Although cats are often seen as solitary creatures, they form strong bonds with their owners. Leaving them alone for too long can lead to issues like howling, accidents, or destructive behaviour. Plan ahead with feeding, playtime, and litter arrangements; hire a sitter or use a camera for monitoring if you’re away for more than a day. Read the full blog for more tips!
Benefits of Cat Enclosures
Whether it’s backyard netting, a window catio, or a freestanding enclosure, outdoor spaces offer numerous benefits compared to free-roaming which comes with risks, like fleas, disease, or injuries. Cats enjoy safe outdoor access, stimulation, and satisfaction while owners gain a clean home, peace of mind, and reduced vet costs. Read on to explore the necessity of outdoor enclosures.
Why Does My Cat Urinate Everywhere in the House?
Understanding the difference between urination and spraying is key to addressing indoor accidents. It could be territorial behaviour, stress, illness, or other issues. Solutions include reducing stressors, optimizing litter trays, or seeking medical help. The article explains how outdoor enclosures can help minimize indoor urination.
Do Cats Need Sunlight For Their Health?
Cats don’t need sunlight for vitamin D, but basking offers benefits like improved mood, better sleep, and pain relief. However, overexposure poses risks like sunburn or skin cancer. Factors like breed, age, and health influence their sunlight needs. Read the blog to learn more about finding the right balance for your cat.