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As cat lovers, we generally debate whether keeping cats indoors is cruel or not. It’s a topic that pops up a lot of opinions among pet owners, veterinarians, and animal welfare volunteers. On one side, there is an argument that cats naturally tend to hunt, walk around, and need freedom from the outdoors. On the other side, concern about safety, health, and environmental impacts suggests that indoor living might be a better option for the cat.

cat on a sofa pillow

Keeping cats indoors is not inherently cruel as long as their needs i.e. space and resources to express their natural behavior, are met. While cats with outdoor access can exhibit more natural behaviors, indoor cats can lead happy and healthy lives with the right environment and enrichment. Cats can enjoy indoors when provided with ample vertical and horizontal spaces, including toys, scratching posts, and beds, allowing them to engage in natural behaviors like stretching, hiding, playing, and napping. By creating a stimulating environment with various resources, we can keep our cats indoors happy without any health risks.

In this blog, we will explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of keeping cats in indoor as well as outdoor environment. We will also provide practical tips and tricks to ensure the well-being of indoor cats and address the concerns of those who believe that keeping cats confined is inherently cruel.

Natural Behavior of Cats

As a cat owner, it’s important to understand the natural tendency of cats to provide them with proper care and healthy life.

Cats are territorial animals by nature with an instinct to hunt and roam around freely. Even domesticated cats retain these innate behaviors. Cats like to patrol and mark their territory to establish dominance and ownership over an area. Cats do this through visual cues like staring, meowing, and hissing, as well as scent marking by rubbing their faces, cheeks, and chins on surfaces. This behavior lets them communicate to other cats that the area is taken. Cats often are found scratching trees, beds, or furniture within their territory to sharpen their claws and leave their scent. Scratching is a natural daily behavior for cats to condition their claws and stay in shape. They use these territorial behaviors to feel secure within their home environment.

Social interactions and communication are an essential part of cat behaviors. Cats are primarily solitary hunters in the wild but live in groups called colonies. While living with other cats in a home, they still act independently. However, cats engage in various social behaviors to bond with other cats and humans. Common social behaviours include cats grooming themselves, where they lick their fur to clean and regulate their body temperature. They also meow, purr, and rub against each other to communicate and strengthen social bonds. Aggressive behaviors like hissing and growling are usually only displayed during territorial disputes or when feeling threatened.

By recognizing and catering to these natural feline behaviors, cat owners can create a home environment that meets the physical and psychological needs of their feline friend. Providing appropriate scratching surfaces, vertical space, hiding spots, and opportunities for play and socialization will help ensure cats can thrive and live their best lives as domestic companions. With an understanding of cat behavior, owners can build strong, enriching relationships with their feline friends.

What are the Benefits of Keeping Your Cat Indoors?

Despite their natural behavior, several valid reasons exist to keep your cats indoors. Your Cats out of doors are exposed to dangers like traffic, predators, and exposure to toxins. By keeping your cat indoors, you can reduce the risk of these dangers and contribute to a longer and healthier life, though it’s important to provide vertical spaces for cats to jump and climb to satisfy their natural instincts.

benefits of keeping cat indoors along with cat

Here are four major advantages of keeping your cats indoors:

Protection of Your Cats from Hazards

  • Traffic and Accidents: You can protect your cats from the dangers of busy streets and traffic accidents. There is a high risk of being hit by cars for your cat outside the doors. It could result in severe injuries or even the death of your cat.
  • Predators and Other Animals: Your cat can avoid encounters with predators such as dogs and other wildlife. These encounters could harm them. Your cat is also safe from violent interactions with other cats.
  • Poison and Toxic Substances: Inside the door, your Cats have a lower risk of exposure to toxic substances such as antifreeze, pesticides, or poisonous plants. These substances are harmful to your cat.

Health Benefits

  • Reduced Risk of Diseases: Cats kept indoors are less exposed to contagious diseases like feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). These types of diseases are mostly present in outdoor environments.
  • Longer Lifespan: Cats living indoors typically have longer lifespans compared to cats outdoors. Cats indoors have a lifespan between 12 to 15 years. But cats outdoors have a shorter lifespan of 2 to 5 years.
  • Prevention from Parasites: Indoor living of your cat minimizes the risk of flea, tick, and other parasite infections. These infections can lead to serious health issues.

Preventing Injuries and Stress in Your Cats

  • Avoiding Fights: Cats kept outdoors often engage in territorial disputes with other cats. It could lead to injuries and stress. Keeping your cats indoors reduces the risk of such conflicts.
  • Less Stressful Environment: Cats indoors are protected from the stress of the outside world. Loud noises, extreme weather conditions, and other environmental hazards are some sources of stress in your cat.

Improves Owner-Cat Bonding

  • Increased Interaction: Your cat can spend more time with you when kept indoors, leading to stronger bonds and more opportunities for interaction and affection. This can contribute to a better quality of life for you and the cat.
  • Easier Monitoring: Keeping a cat indoors allows owners to monitor their health and behavior closely. It helps to monitor any potential health issues early and seek veterinary care immediately.

What Are the Benefits for Cats Kept Outside?

Keeping your cats outside and allowing them to explore the surroundings have numerous benefits. It helps to reduce the stress and anxiety levels of your cat and provides mental stimulation.

benefits of cat kept outside along with cat

Here are major five benefits of keeping cat outdoor :

Plenty of Physical Exercises

Outdoor cats have sufficient space to roam around, climb, and explore. The natural environment provides opportunities for running, jumping, and climbing. These activities help them to stay physically active and maintain a healthy weight.

Helps in Mental Stimulation

The outdoor environment offers a variety of sights, sounds, and smells that can stimulate your cat’s senses. Cats outside the doors can hunt insects, watch birds, and explore new territories, keeping their minds engaged. The activities can reduce stress and help with mental stimulation.

Express the cat’s natural behaviors

The outside environment allows your cats to express their natural behaviors more freely. They can scratch trees, hunt small prey, and mark their own territory. These activities are important for their overall well-being and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Social Interaction

Cats living outdoors may have the opportunity to interact with other animals, including other cats. These interactions can be beneficial for their social development and provide companionship. It can also lead to territorial disputes among different cats.

Proper Sunlight and Fresh Air

Access to sunlight can help your cat to produce vitamin D, which is important for their health. Fresh air can also improve their respiratory health and overall well-being.

What are the Common Hazards for Cats kept Outside?

If you keep your cats outdoors, they are open to various risks and hazards. Traffic accidents are the primary cause of injury and death to cats that live outdoors. Your cat also faces threats from other creatures, such as dogs and larger wild animals. Moreover, if your cat is outdoors, they may come into contact with poisonous substances like antifreeze and pesticides. These substances could be deadly for your cat.

The six significant risks that outdoor cats face is:

  • Outdoor living cats are highly exposed to infectious diseases such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms.
  • Cats are exposed to extreme weather conditions like heat, cold, and storms.
  • Outdoor living cats face difficulty in finding proper nutritious food.
  • Cats that roam freely outside might get lost or separated from their owner or home.
  • Risk of being trapped, abused, or harmed by people and other animals.
  • Outdoor cats are at higher risk of being hit by vehicles, which can lead to injury or even death.

How to keep a Cat Happy Indoors?

To keep your cat happy indoors, you must pay attention to their physical and mental needs. By creating opportunities for play and mental and emotional comfort, you can help keep your cat physically active and happy.

Here are six tips to keep your cat happy:

  • Upgrade your cat’s playground with interactive toys, puzzle feeders, window perches, climbing structures, and scratching posts.
  • Make sure your cat gets proper nutrition and hydration.
  • Offer your cat safe outdoor experiences.
  • Keep your cat healthy with regular grooming and vet visits.
  • Set up a secure outdoor play area with a Cat Netting Enclosure.

👉👉👉 Find out more in detail: How to Make an Indoor Cat Happy.

Do Cats Indoor Live Longer?

If you keep your cat indoors, they typically live longer. The normal lifespan of a cat living indoors is between 10 to 15 years. As compared to just 2 to 5 years for cats kept outdoors. This is because when you keep your cat indoors, you protect them from various dangers that outdoor kept cats face. Incidents such as traffic accidents, predators, exposure to toxins, and infectious diseases can reduce the lifespan of cats that stay outdoors. You can minimize these risks by keeping your cats indoors and providing a safer environment for them.

Moreover, when you keep your cats indoors, they are more likely to benefit from regular veterinary care, appropriate nutrition, and timely treatment for health issues. By considering these caring factors, you can minimize risks and provide a safer environment for your cats to live longer.

How to Balance the Indoor and Outdoor Life of a Cat?

Balancing your cat’s indoor and outdoor life involves understanding their natural behavior and ensuring their safety and well-being in both environments. As a cat owner, deciding whether to let your companion roam outside freely or keep them indoors all of the time can be hard. Both options have their pros and cons. The best choice for your cat depends on factors such as the personality of your cat, environment, and safety considerations.

As a cat owner, balancing their safety and providing them with outside freedom is beneficial.
Here are three compromise solutions for your cat:

Supervised Outdoors freedom

Supervised outdoor freedom allows your cat to explore and experience the environment, ensuring its safety. Using cat harnesses and leashes ensures that your cat is safe in both environments.

Cat Netting Enclosures

Cat netting enclosures provide a safe and controlled outdoor environment for your cat. These enclosures can be attached to windows, balconies, or other garden structures. These enclosures allow your cats to experience outdoor freedom and protect them from potential dangers like traffic, predators, and toxins.

Window Perches

It helps to offer your cat a sense of freedom while keeping them safely indoors. Installing a window perch can enhance your cat’s quality of life by providing them with safe outdoor experiences. It also helps the cat to observe outside safely from inside of your home.

Create a Safe Outdoor Space for Your Cat

Creating a safe outdoor space for your cat is not just about providing them with fresh air and sunlight. It’s about improving your cat’s quality of life and ensuring they are safe and secure. At Kitty-Safe, we offer Cat Netting Enclosures in Perth that help to create a secure environment for your cat.

With our Cat Netting Enclosure, your companion can explore, play, and relax without the risks of roaming freely outdoors. Investing in high-quality enclosures can provide your cat with an outdoor experience in a controlled and protected manner. Our enclosure is perfect for both curious kittens and senior cats.

Explore our wide range of Cat Netting Enclosures today and give your indoor cat a safe and comfortable outdoor experience.


Is It Necessary to Have Multiple Cats If They Are Kept Indoors?

No, it is not necessary to have multiple cats if they are kept indoors. But some cats enjoy companionship with other cats. If you are considering adding another cat, ensure both cats are properly introduced and have compatible personalities. Multiple cats can provide social interaction and reduce stress.

Can Cats Kept Indoors Get Enough Exercise?

Yes, cats living indoors can get enough exercise with the proper setup and activities. Climbing structures, interactive toys, and scratching posts can help your cat gain enough exercise. Supervised outdoor time can provide additional stimulation and exercise.

Can I Take My Cat Outside for Walks?

Yes, you can take your cat outside for walks if they are comfortable with it. Make sure to use a secure harness and leash specifically designed for cats. Introduce the harness slowly and make sure your cat feels safe before going outside.

How Often Should I Play with My Cat?

It is recommended that you should play with your cat for at least 15-30 minutes a day. Playing with your cat is important for their physical and mental well-being. The frequency and duration of playtime can vary depending on your cat’s age, personality, and activity level.

Do Cats Get Depressed?

Yes, cats can experience depression. Like humans and other animals, you need to address their emotional needs to prevent mental health issues.

We are social!

Hello, my name is Stu, and I love felines. I have extensive expertise in the construction of cat enclosures for over ten years, and I'm the founder of Kittysafe, the leading cat enclosure provider in Perth. We are known for our premium cat netting enclosures. My team and I have helped responsible Perth's cat owners save over $400,000 in insurance fees and vet bills. My efforts have also saved 120,000 native animals and added 20,000 cat years to the lives of Perth cats. These numbers malke a real difference and they’re growing all the time. Also, Kittysafe has been chosen by Native Ark to protect their injured water birds from ferral cats. It demonstrates our commitment to animal welfare and our expertise in the field.